Congratulations to iCARE4CVD for an impressive start!

SOPHIA congratulates the recently launched IHI Public-Private Partnership iCARE4CVD for making an impressive start!

The SOPHIA consortium wants to extend a big congratulation to all iCARE4CVD members. We are thrilled to see the progress that this critical project is making within the cardiovascular disease area, and excited to follow their innovative research on mapping and predicting disease trajectories with key biomarkers.

SOPHIA representatives participated in the great kick-off in Copenhagen, and we were delighted to see that so many of our project partners and objectives overlap.

SOPHIA to maximize the synergies with iCARE4CVD

With opportunities for data sharing, data integration, and new findings from the iCARE4CVD consortium, we will be able to generate new insights about the connection between obesity and cardiovascular disease. Going forward, we hope to maximize these synergies with the iCARE4CVD database, providing broader opportunities for analysis and new findings. This will not only benefit the important work of SOPHIA – the data sharing will help us develop better healthcare pathways, ultimately ensuring better patient outcomes.

Do you want to know more about iCARE4CVD, and how they aim to personalise treatment for cardiovascular diseases?

Visit their website here, where you can also find links to all relevant social media accounts.

SOPHIA has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiatives in 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 875534. This Joint Undertaking support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and EFPIA – European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, T1D Exchange, JDRF International, and Obesity Action Coalition through the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI).